Upbound Crossplane Kubernetes Ambassador Labs Control Plane kubernetes

Kubernetes 1.22 Arrives to Giveth and Taketh Away

The technical oversight committee (TOC) for Kubernetes announced today general availability of a 1.22 update that is likely to be remembered as much for what it gives as for what it takes ...

Puppet Taps KOTS to Simplify Software Delivery

Puppet has partnered with Replicated to take advantage of a platform based on Kubernetes that makes it easier to deploy IT automation from Puppet in any IT environment. The Kubernetes Off-The-Shelf (KOTS) ...
5 Software Delivery Challenges that Containers Won't Solve

5 Software Delivery Challenges that Containers Won’t Solve

Containers are great, but they’re not a panacea. Here are five challenges within the software delivery process that Docker containers can’t help you to solve. To be clear, I don’t mean to ...