Jetic Calico Kong Styra service mesh TriggerMesh Launches Open Source Knative Lambda Sources

Scaling, Security Driving Adoption of Calico Networking Software

The need to scale services and enforce cybersecurity polices are the top two reasons for adopting the open source Calico networking software ...
generative AI Kubernetes Argo container security continuous SQL Server Windocks Tekton Kubeflow Red Hat CI/CD

Using Argo CD to Create GitOps-Style Deployments for Kubernetes

Argo CD offers GitOps-style deployments for Kubernetes, providing continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, collaboration and version control ...
container Red Hat Deloitte AI IBM

Red Hat Extends Commitment to Integrate OpenStack and K8s

At the OpenInfra Summit today, Red Hat announced that, in addition to supporting the latest iteration of the open source OpenStack, it is extending Red Hat OpenShift’s management reach to add support ...
IoT Cosmonic Isovalent Spectro Cloud Mavenir F5 edge

Cosmonic Open Source Project Integrates Nomad and Cilium

Cosmonic has launched an open source Netreap project to integrate Nomad, an alternative for orchestrating containers from Hashicorp, with the Cilium networking overlay for cloud-native applications created by Isovalent. Dan Norris, head ...
cloud-native cloud-agnostic CI/CD

Why the Best Cloud-Native Approach is Cloud-Agnostic

Among the many advantages of the cloud-native approach are speed, cost optimization, scalability and reduced time-to-market. It’s no wonder, then, that Gartner estimates that more than 85% of organizations will embrace a ...
Red Hat

Red Hat Extends Scope of Podman Container Tool for IT Admins

Red Hat today added a systems roles capability to its Podman tool for developing, managing and running containers on Linux platforms. This capability aims to make it simpler for administrators to automatically ...
SUSE Bolsters Kubernetes-based CaaS

SUSE Looks to Extend Reach of Rancher Platform

SUSE has updated its Rancher management platform for Kubernetes to make it simpler to extend the user interface to manage other elements of a cloud-native application environment. Peter Smails, general manager of ...
Kubernetes 1.27 Survey: Container Security Concerns Rise

Kubernetes v1.27 Update Brings Chill Vibes

Kubernetes v1.27, the first K8s release of 2023, has been announced. The v1.27 release includes 60 enhancements, 18 of which are alpha, 29 are beta and 13 are stable at the time ...
Konveyor Loft Labs Ubuntu

Red Hat Focuses Konveyor Efforts for Kubernetes on App Modernization

Red Hat has revamped the open source Konveyor project it launched in collaboration with IBM to focus more specifically on tools and processes that enable existing legacy Java applications to run on ...
Cosmonic Cilium Wasm Docker, Inc. Extends Tigera Networking Alliance

The Cilium Story So Far

Cilium has become the de-facto networking solution for the cloud-native world, having been adopted by all major cloud providers and many end users across every vertical. But with an ever-expanding list of ...