Kubernetes Canonical Knative Red Hat AWS alliance

Red Hat Allies With Docker, Inc. for Testcontainers Cloud Framework

Red Hat extended an alliance with Docker Inc. to provide access to Testcontainers Cloud from the Red Hat OpenShift platform deployed on Kubernetes clusters ...
Chainguard Docker container Stormforge Azure containers Microsoft New Relic Java Kublr platform Containers on Azure

Chainguard Allies With Docker, Inc. to Secure Container Images

Chainguard is making its hardened container images available on Docker Hub via the Docker Verified Publisher (DVP) program ...
containers Buoyant Docker

6 Reasons to Consider Dev Containers

Here are six reasons to consider dev containers, and why the advantages currently outweigh the drawbacks enterprises currently face ...
Cosmonic Cilium Wasm Docker, Inc. Extends Tigera Networking Alliance

Why Generative AI and Wasm are a Perfect Match

When it comes to AI, we can see a specific reason why WebAssembly (Wasm) is the perfect match with generative AI ...
Cado Trend Micro Docker vulnerability

Cado Security Labs Exposes Commando Cat Container Malware Campaign

Cado Security Labs today disclosed it has discovered a malware campaign, dubbed “Commando Cat,” that targets Docker API endpoints ...
Java Veeam data AppSec technical debt

How to Streamline the Java Application Containerization Process

Using Jib or Buildpacks to build your Java container images makes the process much faster and easier. Here's how ...
Amazon ECS cloud-native configuration eBPF

5 DevOps Use Cases for Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS is a scalable, secure container management service that makes it easy to manage Docker containers as a cluster ...
documentation Docker App Load Balancing on Kubernetes

Docker, Inc. Delivers Cloud Service for Creating Software Builds

Docker made available a cloud service that makes developers more productive by offloading the build process from a local machine ...
Cado VMware container security

Cado Security Labs Identifies Campaign to Compromise Docker Hosts

Cado Security identified an ongoing effort to abuse Docker containers using a 9hits service to create fraudulent web traffic ...
AtomicJar Argo continuous testing

Docker, Inc. Acquires AtomicJar to Add Testing Cloud Service

Docker, Inc. today revealed it has acquired AtomicJar as part of an effort to make it simpler to test cloud-native applications built using containers ...