generative AI Kubernetes Argo container security continuous SQL Server Windocks Tekton Kubeflow Red Hat CI/CD

Continuous Evolution: The CI/CD Story

Often, developers’ tools are as important as the software they’re building. Billions of dollars, millions of lines of code and thousands of engineers are involved in the development of the toolchain that ...
generative AI Kubernetes Argo container security continuous SQL Server Windocks Tekton Kubeflow Red Hat CI/CD

Red Hat Urges GitOps Adoption in OpenShift Environments

Red Hat, Inc. today made available OpenShift GitOps and OpenShift Pipelines that are based on the Argo continuous delivery (CD) and Tekton open source projects. Argo is being advanced under the auspices ...
Google Extends Spinnaker Continuous Delivery

Armory Employs K3s to Simplify Spinnaker CD Installs

Armory today launched an Armory Minnaker offering that makes use of a lightweight instance of Kubernetes coupled with operators software to make it simpler to deploy its distribution of the open source ...
Nine Pillars of Kubernetes Best Practices

Nine Pillars of Kubernetes Best Practices

In a prior blog, I explained Nine Pillars of Engineering DevOps with Kubernetes. The nine pillars represent categories of practices. In this blog, I expand on practices for each of the nine ...
generative AI Kubernetes Argo container security continuous SQL Server Windocks Tekton Kubeflow Red Hat CI/CD

7 Rules for Faster Releases with Containerized CI/CD

Both CI/CD and containers have changed the world of software delivery, helping teams become more agile and speeding up development and release cycles. However, there is some confusion about how these techniques ...
CircleCI kubernetes SafeBreach

CircleCI Delivers on Kubernetes Promise

CircleCI today announced that the latest server edition of its namesake continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform, that is deployed on Kubernetes, is now generally available. Jim Rose, CircleCI CEO, says this edition ...
| | CI/CD, CircleCI, kubernetes
app delivery Flux Anchore Atomist Announces Software Delivery

CNCF Advances Flux CD Platform for Kubernetes Environments

The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) this week made the open source Flux continuous delivery platform for Kubernetes environments an incubation-level project. Originally developed by Weaveworks, ...
zero-trust service mesh Korifi VMware kubernetes HyTrust Extends Compliance Platform Aims to Simplify App Dev on Kubernetes today is launching a namesake platform that simplifies building and deploying applications in Kubernetes environments. Kyle Campbell, CEO of says the primary purpose of Kubernetes is to provide an underlying ...
| | CI/CD,, kubernetes, PaaS
container Red Hat Deloitte AI IBM Applies AI to Optimize Containers Before Being Deployed

Fresh off raising $6.6 million in seed funding, this week launched a namesake DevOps platform that makes use of machine learning algorithms to resize and optimize containers before they are deployed ...
DevOps teams

DevOps Teams: Automate Container Security to Protect CI/CD Pipelines

Automation can help lead DevOps teams to the true path to having optimum container security DevOps is one of the most efficient ways of developing apps and programs, as it allows for ...