Cloud-Native Security Best Practices

Taking Cloud-Native Security to the Next Level

It’s no secret that containers and Kubernetes offer unparalleled speed and agility. As organizations look to the technology for the ability to scale and deliver modern applications, Gartner predicts containers will be ...
access ransomware Anchore Snyk

How Kubernetes Protects Enterprises From Ransomware

Today’s complex enterprise IT workloads require the scale and flexibility that only Kubernetes can deliver. But security issues facing Kubernetes users continue to disrupt critical operations, particularly as ransomware inflicts increasing damage ...
phishing OWASP Kubernetes security Veracode key management container security CNCF security secure Kubernetes

15 Point Kubernetes Security Checklist

Thoroughly securing containers and Kubernetes environments – especially in production where they’re most vulnerable – requires a layered security strategy with consistent vigilance across multiple fronts. Kubernetes itself has become an increasingly ...
infrastructure IaC Kubernetes Leveraging Ephemeral Infrastructure Effectively

Treating Kubernetes as a Source of Truth

Kubernetes is proliferating within today’s IT strata because it is not just a container scheduler; it ships with impressive authentication and RBAC capabilities. With these features, Kubernetes could be used for things ...
HYCU Druva Kubernetes

HYCU adds Kubernetes Support to Data Protection Platform

HYCU, Inc. this week announced that the first instances of support for Kubernetes clusters are now available via its data protection platform hosted in the cloud. Subbiah Sundaram, vice president of products ...
environments Red Hat Extends OpenShift Platform Plus Environment

Container Security Fact Vs. Fiction

One strange consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is that, since almost all tech conferences in the world have moved online, it’s been easier than ever to attend. That means – in my ...
ingress Sysdig SUSE Siloscape security-as-code Docker

Leveling Up Container Security with Security-as-Code

As more organizations adopt a microservices deployment model, they’re also adopting infrastructure-as-code (IaC) to streamline continuous delivery. IaC codifies configurations to automate the deployment and provisioning of services. But how about security-as-code? ...