A Simple Service Discovery Solution for Docker

The ambassador pattern is an approach for multi-host Docker application deployment. It helps containers on different hosts to discover each other and communicate. Despite of the variants, the idea can be illustrated as the following:

(web) –link–> (web proxy) —network—> (db proxy) –link–> (db)

Instead of the `web` connecting with the `db` directly,

1. A local web proxy is linked with `web` and `web` is configured to send all traffic to `localhost`, which is received by the web proxy

2. Alongside this, the db proxy announces the `db` container with a predefined key in a key/value registry (etcd, consul, etc). The key is also used by the web proxy to discover the `db` container in the registry

3. Once discovered, the web proxy will route the traffic to the db proxy, which is linked with the `db` container.

As a result, the connection is setup.

Pros & Cons

This pattern has a number of advantages:

  1. Non-intrusive: The Docker image can be used without any modification, as it is configured statically
  2. Dynamic: Containers can discover each other in a dynamic way, particularly valuable to the autoscaling/load balancing case
  3. Resilient: Failover is made transparent to the container

However, there is also some amount of tradeoff for the above benefits:

  1. Complex: There are more components to learn and manage
  2. More moving parts: A wrong key or value could lead to some bizarre results, which may be particularly difficult to debug
  3. Inflexible: The proxy is good for 1-to-1 or a load-balanced connection, but it couldn’t handle other topology, such like Dynamo ring


Compared with the ambassador pattern, another solution of service discovery is to leverage the [file mount](https://docs.docker.com/v1.2/userguide/dockervolumes/#mount-a-host-file-as-a-data-volume) feature to mount the application configuration file from the host instance into the container:

$ sudo docker run —rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash

The approach is:

  • Simple: No proxy, no registry, easy configuration files
  • Non-intrusive: No code changes or image modification
  • Flexible: Works with any application configuration
  • No moving parts: Easy to reason about

One may argue that this is a static configuration of the containers, which does not cope with scenarios like autoscaling and failover. The answer to this is an [orchestration engine](www.visualops.io). The engine need to keeps a watchful eye over the cluster and re-generate the configuration file to make sure the containers always get the correct connection whenever something happens.

Technically, the solution can be illustrated as:

Docker Service Discovery Solution

Instead of letting instances announce and discover each other via a central database, this explicit route specifies the logical relationship between services. Then the engine renders the file upon provisioning:

mysql://root@@{db.PrivateIpAddress}:3306 — -> mysql://[email protected]:3306

Using this approach to deploy a multi-instance Docker application, all you need to do is to specify three things:

  • which docker image to run, i.e. my/node
  • the container setup, i.e. port, cpu, mem
  • the app configuration file content and link with other containers

This solution does not look particularly sexy, but what it is, is dead simple and robust; and works an absolute charm for any type of application.


About The Author  ⁄ Peng Zhao

pengPeng Zhao is the Founder and CEO of VisualOps. Previously, he initiated and led the IaaS projects for China Mobile as well as being both manager and developer in a various companies, including Reuters and Platform Computing.